Partial dentures help improve a patient’s function by restoring their bite, aesthetics, and other related factors. These dental appliances may lead to complications if not properly maintained. Preventing partial denture-related issues is key for long-term comfort, durability, and oral health. Here are a few steps to help prevent partial denture-related complications:

Choose High-quality Materials

One key foundation for preventing complications for partial dentures is the materials used, such as SLM frames and titanium. At Mabel Dental, our partial dentures are crafted from high-quality, durable materials like Dentply’s Vitallium 2000, which offers strength and biocompatibility. This helps to reduce patient issues like irritation and tissue reaction. Flexible options, such as TCS® Unbreakable thermoplastic nylon, also provide enhanced comfort and aesthetics, which minimizes discomfort and wear issues over time.

Choosing the right material will help avoid problems like corrosion, poor fit, and metal allergies. Materials like titanium support frames that are lightweight, corrosion-resistant, and safe for long-term wear without causing inflammation.

Proper Fit and Adjustments

One issue of partial denture complications can be an improper fit. A denture that is too tight or too loose can lead to sore spots, gum irritation, and even bone deterioration. Here at Mabel Dental, we make sure impressions are accurate for a precise fit to avoid any complications. Patients may experience changes in their oral structure over time, which can alter the fit. Regular check-ups with a dentist will help catch these shifts early and make necessary adjustments.

Educate Patients on Daily Cleaning

Proper cleaning avoids bacteria buildup, gum irritation, and damage to the partial denture. Dentists should educate patients on how to clean their dentures daily using a soft toothbrush or a non-abrasive denture cleaner. Food particles and plaque may accumulate on the appliance, leading to bad odors and infections if not addressed. Regular brushing and flossing help keep partial dentures in proper condition and maintain daily comfort.

Soak the dentures in a cleaning solution or warm water overnight to keep them moist and in good condition. This step helps avoid cracking or drying out, which can compromise the denture’s integrity. It also helps avoid and prevent plaque buildup that may irritate the gums.

Avoid Hard and Sticky Foods

Certain foods can damage partial dentures or dislodge them. Hard foods like nuts and popcorn, as well as sticky items like caramel, exert unnecessary pressure on the appliance, leading to wear and tear or even breakage. To protect their partial dentures, make sure to avoid these foods or manage them in smaller portions. Beverages with strong dyes, such as coffee, wine, or soda, might stain dentures over time. Rinse your partials after consuming such drinks to reduce the risk of discoloration.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Patients should pay particular attention to cleaning around the clasps of the denture to prevent plaque buildup that can irritate the gums. Gum disease or tooth decay can also cause discomfort and affect how the partial denture fits. By keeping their natural teeth and gums in good health, patients can extend the lifespan of their partial dentures.

Handle Dentures With Care

Partials should be handled with care to avoid and prevent accidental damage. Dropping a denture might lead to cracks or fractures, which may require repair. Our team at Mabel Dental offers repair services for damaged partials.

If damage does occur, address repairs as soon as you’re able. Wearing damaged dentures can exacerbate oral health problems and lead to further complications, such as tissue irritation or improper bite alignment. Our team offers fast and reliable repair services, helping patients get their partial dentures back to optimal condition.

Other Dental Appliances To Explore

Other dental appliances made by our team here at Mabel Dental include mouthguards, night guards, splints, and more. We also offer athletes pro-form mouthguards prescribed with the highest-quality materials. This helps protect teeth for both comfort and fit without interfering with speech or breathing. The materials used help keep their shape through our molds. Our patent injection compression manufacturing process produces quality dental appliances. 

It’s key for patients to be cautious when using partials during physical activities. Engaging in high-impact sports or activities without proper protection may lead to discomfort or dislodging. We offer customized mouthguards for patients who are active in sports to protect the mouth from any trauma.

Use Mabel Dental for Partial Dentures

Preventing partial denture-related complications may be achieved through various processes that involve choosing the right materials, checking for a proper fit, maintaining oral hygiene, and following best practices for cleaning and storage. Regular dental check-ups and promptly addressed repairs also help extend the lifespan of the dentures and maintain patient comfort. By educating patients on these steps, dentists help their patients enjoy the full benefits of their partial dentures while minimizing the risk of complications. Contact one of our team members at Mabel Dental today for high-quality denture products and repair services.